Indian Comet Grass
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Indian Comet Grass
ative Photo: J. M. Garg
Common name: Indian Comet Grass • Kannada: narimisai-hullu, jabburu-korlai-hullu • Malayalam: tsjeria-kuren-pullu • Marathi: dev-nail, urya-nail • Tamil: narival, kudiraival pullu, thopparai pullu • Telugu: nakka thoka, nakka peechu
Botanical name: Perotis indica    Family: Poaceae (Grass family)
Synonyms: Anthoxanthum indicum, Saccharum spicatum

Indian Comet Grass is an annual grass with stems rising to 10–40 cm tall. Leaf-blades are lanceshaped, or ovate; 1–3 cm long; 2–7 mm wide. Inflorescence composed of single racemes, 2–15 cm long. Spikelet packing crowded, or contiguous; irregular. Spikelets are spreading, or ascending; solitary. Fertile spikelets are stalked. Stalks are oblong, 0.2 mm long. Indian Comet Grass is found growing on river banks and sandy places.

Identification credit: Muthu Karthick, Anil Kumar Photographed in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.

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